Nurturing Musicianship in Children Through Piano Activities, Songs, and Stories.

A green and white musical note is shown.
A piano keyboard with the keys turned down.
A white music note on a green background
A white music note on a green background

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Dog Park Key Names - free download

The “Dog Park Key Names” is a fun way to transform the task of learning

key names into an engaging activity for beginning piano students.

Need Adobe Acrobat Reader?

Go to to download the app.

A girl is playing the piano in front of a mirror.


A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

Piano for 3's & 4's

A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

Finger Numbers

A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

Left Hand & Right Hand

A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

Key Names

A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

The Five-Finger Scale

A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

Stepping Up & Down

A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

Pre-Reading Exercises

A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

Pre-Reading Songs

A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

Note Names

A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

Note Values

. . . And more.

A green and white musical note is shown.



A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

A Chubby Little Snowman

A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

The Counting Song

A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

Five Little Bunnies

A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

Five Little Caterpillars

A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

Five Little Christmas Trees

A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

Five Little Spiders

A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

This Little Cow

A chubby little snowman
A folk song about the meadow.
A white music note with an empty space for text.
A green and white musical note is shown.


A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

A Pumpkin Story

A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

Apple Tree, Apple Tree

A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

Doggie, Doggie, Where's Your Bone?

A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

Farmer in the Dell

A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

Five Fat Turkeys

A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

Froggie Dance

A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

I Bought Me a Cat

A blue musical note is shown on the screen.

It Rained a Mist

...and many more.